Ms. Lieblich frequently encounters situations where she believes a client would be best served in working collaboratively with the other side. A collaborative law process can entail a wide array of techniques not commonly used in a standard litigation model. They range from clients signing contracts, along with their lawyers, agreeing not to bring their matrimonial issues before a court, to informal agreements between both sides to use one expert, such as an accountant to evaluate and appraise assets and to file a report and /or report with recommendations, which both sides agree to adopt. Ms. Lieblich has used collaborative methods for several years and frequently suggests steps which, if agreed to by both parties and their counsel, will significantly shorten and simplify the issues of their divorce, even if their entire case is not resolved by working collaboratively.
While there is not one method which is preferable to resolve every case, Ms. Lieblich takes great pride in being able to advise clients in the utilization of different methods or aspects of different methods to achieve cost-effective, fair, and workable outcomes.